If you find yourself homeless, the first thing to do is to get started right away on finding employment. Even if you are homeless and unemployed, you can still find a job. Here are some tips to do just that.
Follow these tips and suggestions if you find yourself homeless and in need of employment and hopefully you can land back on your feet much sooner.
The most important thing when going for job interviews and to places where you will be requesting job applications, you will absolutely have to be decent and to be as well groomed as possible. Your appearance is extremely important.
If you are in need of clothing, you should visit the nearest Salvation army thrift store and ask how the people that are running the store about how to get some free clothing. Explain to them that the reason that these are needed is because you wish to find a job and to go apply for job interviews. If the one running the checkout cannot assist you, she or he will most likely be able to give you contact information on another person or organization that can possibly assist you with your need to find clothing. You will want to try the other local thrift shops in the area where someone may be willing to offer you an outfit or two from also. If you can get a back pack thrown in, that would be great to carry your clothes in. The shelter will probably have a washer and dryer where your clothing can be washed and dried.
As you begin your search for a job, you will need to continue staying at the local shelter while you can and get a daily shower and rest and also food. You should make a plan to follow on a daily basis. Get up and be dressed as nice as possible and be ready to go job hunting.
Apply for a job at every business that you can find that is located within walking distance, and once those are exhausted, ask the shelter if they have free passes for transit that could help you go farther with your job search. You must stay determined and keep looking for that job.
If you get an interview, it is very important that you make a pleasant appearance and an impressionable one on the potential employer. Be courteous and talk politely to whoever that you find that will be willing to interview you. There is no need to give them a sob story, but do impress upon them that you need work at once. Do let them know that you are willing to work for any rage at all and will work your way up to earning more as you go.
If you are working hard at these methods and find that you are not having any luck, consider asking the companies if you could might possibly take over the cleaning of their parking lots for them. Keep your eyes open for jobs that could use being worked, and ask for them. Ask if you can do cleaning of their building or restrooms.
You should always keep checking back once a week on all of your job application places. Let them know you are still interested in employment with their company.
You should visit your local library and sign up for an Internet card where you can get online and search for jobs also. The librarian will assist you with this if needed. Take notes of potential jobs, places to look for jobs, and remember to write it down on paper and keep it with you to look over later.
Research information on job training programs while at the library or ask the librarian where to help you to look for those. It is possible that you can find a job training program that will pay at least a little as you train. Look up Pell grants for community colleges and see if you may qualify for those grants. Those programs can give assistance with finances and tuition and can help you to attend school and get your expenses paid.
When you are out searching for employment and you are out walking the local areas, take note of any buildings that need repair. Ask around and find the owner or their contact information. Call them and ask about being hired to repair their building and possibly you might swing in an arrangement where they will let you live at that building while you work.
Keep trying, keep busy and do not join the homeless sitters that sit outdoors holding up a sign. Do not resort to this method whatever you do. Keep your appearance up and your dignity and you will find a job and a home if you stay determined and keep trying hard.
Some jobs offer free training as a male or female caregiver. With many of those jobs, there are live in options sometimes. This type of employment could land you a room with a job. Look in housekeeping jobs, many of those come with a room also.
Sometimes, during the day, if you get hungry while the shelter or soup kitchen is closed, take a look around for open houses at real estate events such as open houses. Sometimes, they have refreshments available, and also try to check in grocery stores to see if there are any food tester displays setup that will get you free samples.
While you are reading the newspaper at the library, check for open house ads, businesses that are having free hot dogs on certain occasions, keep your eyes open and mark it down on your paper.
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