With the economy being worse than ever before, quitting your job is definitely a very difficult decision. If however you strongly believe that this is the best choice you can possibly make for yourself, then you should make sure that you have found the right way to do it. A bad way to quit your job can harm your reputation irreversibly.
Bad ways to quit your job
1. Announcing it at the last minute
Announcing to your boss that you want to quit at the last minute portrays you in a very bad light, as it clearly indicates your lack of professionalism and consideration. Even if you had the worst relationship with your boss, that is still no excuse for walking out that way. Walk a mile in his shoes: If you were in his place, you would want some reasonable time to find a proper replacement. Changes at the last minute result in quick, rushed solutions with questionable outcome. Giving a two weeks notice, (if not even more), will help your boss to get organized and make specific plans for the future.
2. Make a scene
If you decide to quit by letting out in the open your bottled up anger in hopes of humiliating your boss, you are in for a rude awakening, as you will appear to be the bad one, while your boss will come out smelling like a rose. Even if you are totally justified in being angry at your boss, if you choose to allow that anger overwhelm you and react too emotionally, you will destroy everything. Whatever you say can and will be used against you, if your boss decides to punish you for lashing out at him that way. If someone happens to be passing by right at this moment and overhears you, the situation will get even worse for you. Even if you regret reacting this way later on, your ex boss will probably refuse to give you a recommendation letter, or if he does, you can rest assured it will be a bad recommendation letter.
3. Work for the competitor
While theoretically you are allowed to work wherever you want, the decision to announce that you are quitting because you want to work for the competitor is in bad taste and therefore should not be one of your options, as you will probably be asked to reveal important information and secrets for the company you previously worked for. Even if you manage not to reveal anything, clouds of doubt will surround your name, forever questioning your credibility and professionalism. Needless to say that if you ever have a change of heart and want to go back to the company you previously worked for, you won't even be allowed to enter the building. If you strongly believe that working for the competitor is a great career move, the least you can do is wait for a reasonable time to pass after your quit your previous job before making that step and of course, not mention anything about it to your soon to be ex boss.
Bad ways to quit a job can have detrimental effects on your career, so it is important to think long and hard how to do it. It is better to be safe, than sorry
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