Most males realize that females will get an advantageous rate for their car insurance because they are less likely to be involved in an accident. Although there are many factor involved with this, the main reasons point towards their driving manner and the types of motorcars they drive which are mostly more sensible then males.
Most males realize that females will get an advantageous rate for their car insurance because they are less likely to be involved in an accident. Although there are many factor involved with this, the main reasons point towards their driving manner and the types of motorcars they drive which are mostly more sensible then males.
For these reasons, car insurance providers are happy to provide a discount on their insurance premiums not afforded to male drivers. However, potentially they can have as many accidents as men but when they do have one they generally have less damage to their vehicles. In light of these facts it is not surprising to find that the insurance premium a woman will pay is usually around thirty percent less than that paid by a man.
Of course the primary reason insurance rates for women are lower are because they are slower, safer drivers therefore accident repairs are not as high as for men. As the speed that most male drivers travel at is substantially higher, often above the speed limit for the highway; when accidents occur, they result in far more damage to the vehicle and a greater cost to the insurance provider. The insurers also treat females, even if they have just passed their driving exam, as a lower risk and are able to apply for further discounts.
In view of this, a number of specialist car insurance underwriters will only sell their car insurance plans to females with no men allowed, not even husbands. Providers are just trying to protect their assets and other members’ premiums which will have to rise if they have to pay out for big claims made by male drivers.
Some of these insurance firms find the only way they can increase their overall profits is by having a big number of members because the cost of premiums are lower, their profit margin is correspondingly less. If you are a woman then you really need to get a quote for a lady's automobile insurance preferably one that includes legal cover as well as it will help to claim back any excess from the third party in the event of a non-fault claim. It is invariably possible to obtain further reductions in the premium by fitting anti-theft devices and parking in a secure garage when not in use.
One last point to consider is the size of the insurer, specialist women only insurers are usually smaller and may not be able to compete with a general insurance company that is much bigger. Thus, check out these females only insurance firms by all means but shop around and get the best quote you can as you may find it less expensive elsewhere.
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