Sunday, February 21, 2010

Money-Making Sites: Scam or Not? Money-Making Sites: Scam or Not?

Money-Making Sites: Scam or Not?

Many people have turned to making money online. It seems everybody is desperate to earn money in any way because of financial problems and also lack of employment. In return, so many sites are being promoted in the internet that let’s the users earn money online. However, not all sites are legitimate or legal. There are so many scam sites that seem to be legitimate and can easily fool surfers. How then can we determine scam sites from those legal sites? Here are some tips:

1. Legal or legitimate sites don’t offer as high as $100 for paid to click advertisements. Those who offer easy money are likely scams. Like when the site says that a person can earn $100 in just one day, it isn’t practical at all. How could advertisers pay the creator of the sites with a very high amount? Of course the source of the would-be income of users will be from the advertisers themselves and with the number of people wanting to earn much; the advertisers won’t be able to pay all of them. The same with the payout. The higher the payout is, the more likely that the site is a scam. One example is the site that offers until $100000 payout. Who in the world will throw that amount to anybody? That’s a very big amount of money. If the site is true, then many people should have been made rich. Look for sites that have smaller payouts like $1 to $10.
2. Legitimate sites don’t ask for registration fees. Those paid to click (PTC) and GPT sites requiring for a registration fee is more likely a scam. Why? Because legitimate PTC and GPT sites are free to join. Paid to write sites are also free to join.
3. Ask questions. It is very helpful to ask question or search the web to know the different comments of people regarding the site before joining. There is no use spending time with a site that won’t pay you in the end.
4. Be vigilant and keen. If it happens that the site is scam, make some move to report the site or post negative comments regarding the site to warn other surfers not to participate in the site.

It is always better to spend much effort and energy before earning something. The desire to earn easy money through the net can lead to disappointment


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